23rd September is the Day of the Student in Peru. Most kids get the day off from school, not our school.... we took our kids to spend the day at a local swimming pool. I have never seen kids so excited as when we told them we were taking them out for the day at the pool. Their little faces lit up. Even Edwin, who never shows up to school, put in an honourary appearance and came to school for an entire week, as he wanted to be included in the day trip!

We took our kids to the local pool/ garden. The place had 2 pools - the kiddie pool and the adult pool. As our kids dont really know how to swim, they all ended up in the kiddie pool

(along with 5 other schools). The kiddie pool was overflowing, but they loved it nonetheless.
The girls came along all excited in their shorts (most didnt have swimming costumes) and the boys jumped in their shorts. The 1st grade boys were amazing to watch - they had never seen so much water before in their lives!

We also took our Inicial (kindergarten) kids along. This is a picture of little Mauricio. He is only 3 years old and new to our kindergarten (joined 10 days ago). GVI sponsored lunch -

the kids got chicken, which is a real treat. Little Fernando was so excited to get a chicken lunch, that he kept storing it in his bag and coming back to eat more every 20 minutes.
We sponsored a round of icecream... and suddenly we were surrounded by kids

from other schools, all wanting some icecream. The kids were amazing, so well behaved and so full of awe... watching them was so inspiring!
And this is one of the kids - he performs street tricks for money. Chris was giving him some good competition.

And lastly, us in our sombreros...

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